Our app is flexible! There are different ways to deploy it, and you can use the option that is best for your store.
There are two modes of behavior in the app: Store Pays and Customer Pays. In Customer Pays mode, there are configuration options.
Store Pays - Every order that passes through your store has carbon-neutral shipping, and your store covers the cost. The customer sees a customizable message indicating that the shipping is carbon-neutral with a link to the supported carbon offset project. This option has the MOST impact.
Customer Pays - You allow your customer to decide if they want their order shipment to be carbon neutral. The customer pays, and there is no net cost for your store. Configuration options:
- Default-checked: Carbon neutral shipping is pre-selected when a customer adds an item to the cart. They uncheck the box if they don’t want to participate.
- Flat-rate: Instead of charging to offset the exact carbon footprint for each order, you choose a fixed rate. This is a great option for stores that ship from more than one location. If the rate is higher than the offset cost, the extra funds go to the offset project.
Cloverly tip: Select the Default Checked setting and let your customers opt out of carbon neutral shipping instead of opting in. This will allow you to offset 50-60% more carbon on average!
Please note: what you initially choose is not set in stone. You can change the settings here at any time.
If you have questions about these settings, or need guidance on what would be the best option, please contact us.